Apr 4, 2022


How many share do you have?

This will be used to share the profit or so. Let’s do the math!

There are:

  • 6.727.443 Mikrotoken
  • 1 BUTT-ETHER-FLY = 10.000 Mikrotoken; supply 3825 = 38.250.000 Mikrotoken
  • 1 STICK = 10.000 Mikrotoken; supply 3629 = 36.290.000 Mikrotoken
  • 1 BIRTHDAY NFT = 10.000 Mikrotoken; supply 366 = 3.660.000 Mikrotoken
  • 1 YYYY-MM-DD = 5.000 Mikrotoken; supply 24.856 = 124.280.000 Mikrotoken

So, all collection equal to 209.207.443 Mikrotoken.

